Bio monitoring
with analysis
Installation of a weather station to measure atmospheric and environmental parameters, including:
• air temperature and humidity;
• atmospheric pressure;
• soil temperature and humidity;
• precipitation;
• wind speed and direction;
• level of CO2 and ozone in the air.
This service can contribute directly or indirectly to the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030

Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Technology is designed to support beekeepers in optimising beekeeping activities, protecting bees and analysing environmental conditions by processing information from beehives.

Responsible consumption and production
This project aims to encourage and support companies in adopting sustainable policies and integrating sustainability information into their reporting cycle. It aims to provide relevant information and promote awareness of sustainable development, educating people to adopt lifestyles in harmony with nature.

Climate action
Climate change is a key challenge in sustainable development.
This project promotes actions, at all levels, to combat climate change.

Life on land
“The conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity is vital for social and economic development, as well as for the survival of mankind.”
Bees contribute to biodiversity through the pollination of terrestrial flora.
This project contributes to halting biodiversity loss.