Here is how each of our projects contributes directly or indirectly to the sustainable development goals of the 2030 Agenda:

Zero hunger

Pollination increases crop yields and improves the nutritional value of fruit, vegetables and seeds.

Good health and well-being

Pollination contributes to the growth and diversity of plants that regulate air quality.

Quality education

Knowing more about bees means becoming aware of what is happening to our Planet.
It means raising awareness and providing the tools to be citizens who actively contribute to positive change.

Related services: Beekeeping course

Foster lasting, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Bees as an example of a zero-waste society and resource optimisation for the management of our planet. They live on a perfect economy and all the choices of the hive, which follow a democratic model, are made by virtue of the continuation of the species.

Related services: Team buildingBeekeeping course

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Technology is designed to support beekeepers in optimising beekeeping activities, protecting bees and analysing environmental conditions by processing information from beehives.

Related services: Beehive InstallationBio monitoring

Reduced inequalities

Bees are a perfect superorganism: their lives depend on the complementary roles they play within the hive. Each bee has a specific and well-defined role within the community, and each role contributes to the well-being and survival of the entire hive.

Related services: Team building

Sustainable cities and communities

Bees are useful in monitoring air quality within urban areas and the pollination of urban flora supports better air quality.

Responsible consumption and production

Aiding businesses to adopt sustainable policies and integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle allows people to receive relevant and awareness-raising information on sustainable development and to be educated on lifestyles in harmony with nature.

Related services: All services

Climate action

Climate change is a key challenge in sustainable development. Bee monitoring improves the understanding of climate impacts on the environment.

Related services: All services

Life on land

“The conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity is vital for social and economic development, as well as for the survival of mankind.”
Bees contribute to biodiversity through the pollination of terrestrial flora.
This project contributes to halting biodiversity loss.

Related services: All services

Scegli di agire

Compila il form e, se lo vorrai, inizieremo insieme un percorso personalizzato in base alle tue singole esigenze. Non prima di averti presentato il nostro progetto ed avere risposto a tutte le tue domande. Ogni tuo dubbio sarà utile a rafforzare il nostro intento nella salvaguardia di loro, le api e gli insetti impollinatori.

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Choose action

Fill in the form and, if you wish, we will embark together on a customised path according to your individual needs. However, not before we have presented our project to you and answered all your questions. Any doubts you may have will be helpful in strengthening our efforts to protect them, the bees and pollinating insects.

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