The specification

Approved by Conapi Bees is the sustainability standard for bee-friendly businesses

The voluntary environmental protocol drawn up by Conapi in conjunction with the inspection and certification body CCPB, set up to seal the synergy between virtuous businesses and pollinating agents, united for the dissemination and protection of biodiversity.

An accelerator of the ecosystem balance,the ‘certified protocol’ is drafted according to the framework of nationally recognised reference standards, integrating its principles and new methodological structure, offering concrete advantages, both in terms of model development and related implementation activities, as well as audit activities.

Main areas of qualification

All of the authority of the soft revolution

Scegli di agire

Compila il form e, se lo vorrai, inizieremo insieme un percorso personalizzato in base alle tue singole esigenze. Non prima di averti presentato il nostro progetto ed avere risposto a tutte le tue domande. Ogni tuo dubbio sarà utile a rafforzare il nostro intento nella salvaguardia di loro, le api e gli insetti impollinatori.

I campi contrassegnati con * sono obbligatori

Choose action

Fill in the form and, if you wish, we will embark together on a customised path according to your individual needs. However, not before we have presented our project to you and answered all your questions. Any doubts you may have will be helpful in strengthening our efforts to protect them, the bees and pollinating insects.

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